Whitegold-powder + Cannabis (CBD)
CBD cannabis
An anxiolytic effect, which is an anxiety-dissolving and anti-psychotic effect, is attributed to the CBD.
Contains up to 34% CBD and 0.8 - 0.9 THC per gram.
Our extracts are produced with a gentle gas extraction process at low temperatures.
Thus, all other cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and antioxidants remain.
Plants used for the extraction are biologically cultivated and are free of any pesticides and herbicides.
What is alchemy and what does it set apart from other medical methods?
Alchemy is an old science and practiced in many different cultures. Alchemy draws on aspects of chemistry, medicine, physics, astrology, geology, metallurgy and spiritual knowledge. An alchemist reproduces universal physical and spiritual processes in an accelerated and highly concentrated way and in that produces exceptional substances that cannot be obtained with any other method (similar to spagyrics).
Why is alchemy so little known?
Many pioneers in medicine and science studied alchemy, but the tradition has been clouded during the last centuries due to an exclusively mechanistic approach in the sciences. In the twentieth century the world’s interest in alchemy has been rekindled, and for the first time in the last centuries, true alchemistic formulas are available for the public once again.
From the history of Monoatomic White Gold Powder:
Monoatomic products have been produced in Burma since 1986. It has been used by adepts (like kings and queens) to expand their consciousness, to raise their vibe and to activate their full DNA potential.
It is not colloidal gold, which is still in a metallic, but nevertheless colloidal state.
Today’s science also studies monoatomic gold more and more due to its astounding characteristics because it has a completely different atomic structure compared to the original metallic state.
Traces of monoatomic gold also exist in nature. However, it can only be permanently converted from pure, metallic gold into a monoatomic state by man through an alchemistic process!
Monoatomic gold and its unique physical and energetic properties:
It is a superconductor at room temperature, it displays features of energy generation and can receive, store and emit light/information/energy without loss. It creates an independent zero magnetic field (Meissner Field) around itself which corresponds with the merkaba of men. The merkaba is the light body of men (from Egyptian “mer” = contra-rotating, amalgamated ribbons of light, “ka” = vital energy, spirit, “ba” = soul / mer-ka-ba = spiritual vital energy and soul amalgamate and form a unit which creates contra-rotating ribbons of light and which overcomes space and time). Monoatomic gold only exists on the physical level to 5/9. Pure monoatomic gold levitates on the earth’s magnetic field. It does not wear out and its function and durability are eternal. According to a group of alchemists who have ingested monoatomic gold for years and distributed and tested it within a spiritual association, monoatomic gold is supposed to be absorbed by the body after ingestion and – among other benefits – increases the DNA’s energetic conductivity by 10,000 times. This group was able to observe the following physiological and energetic reactions, which correspond with ancient traditions (from the Bible, the Vedas and alchemy). We can confirm some of these claims from our own experience. Many energetic testing procedures (kinesiology, divination, extrasensory perception, channeling, radiesthesia, i.a.) have attested Manna – Monoatomic Gold the attribute “impressive”.
Further features:
The aging process is expected to be reversed through energetic repair of defective DNA programs. It has a rejuvenating effect and prolongs the DNA’s vital durability. Damaged cells or energetic malfunctions are supposed to be regenerated (including brain cells).
The endocrine system would be strongly activated energetically, especially the thymus gland, the epiphysis, and the pituitary gland.
The flow of light/photons in the nervous and meridian system are supposed to be permanently strengthened.
Self-healing powers are supposed to be visibly improved.
The DNA’s superconductivity would be upgraded and its flow of energy increased by up to 10,000 times.
An intense emotional cleansing and stabilization would be initiated.
A distinct increase in power and resilience would come into effect.
One may rest more and more in oneself and may be considerably more stable in one’s center.
One may recognize more and more solution processes instead of problems because one gets to know oneself as well as the outside increasingly clear.
The thoughts’ manifestation effect would be reinforced.
Intelligence may be expanded to higher levels of the spirit.
The frequency of the chakras and the body would be increased.
Perception would be expanded and spiritual-mental capabilities are supposed to be activated.
Kundalini energy should be raised harmonically.
Sleeping (“supernatural”) potentials are supposed to awake.
The levitating features of monoatomic gold may lead to a rise in quality of living and in consciousness on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual).
Monoatomic gold is the substance described in ancient mystery texts which supports us during the recent time of change (until 2012 and beyond) and the connected internal alchemistic processes and which leads to a good “ending”. It helps us to actually reach and realize the long announced “new age” of universal consciousness.
The fundamental effect of monoatomic gold is identical for everyone. Nevertheless, individual changes, which are subjectively tangible, can be quite different, depending on how conscious one already is (having freed oneself from or having transformed dense energy, meditating, practicing inner spiritual work, etc.).
“Monoatomic White Gold Powder” is no remedy in terms of conventional medicine. It rather is a natural energeticum, small traces of which also occur in nature (e.g. in volcanic ash or in sun-ripened vegetables and fruit from fertile soils). Our body needs monoatomic elements as well as metallic and colloidal trace elements.
But, if it is produced by a qualified person in an alchemistic process, its purity and quality of effect is distinctly improved and does not compare to the naturally occurring substance.
Already the pharaohs of the first dynasties had white gold and they regenerated with it. The following pharaoh dynasties had lost this knowledge, which is why they took to mummification. There are features which are deemed impossible by conventional science. Thus we can establish a connection to another world. It also exists in parallel universes. When gold passes into high spin state, it loses its metal properties completely and becomes a white powder. White gold powder is mentioned in the history of mankind again and again, but until recently, no one had been able to find out what kind of substance it is. It is a superconductor (thus possessing matter and antimatter). White gold powder was also called “Bread of Life”. White gold powder can repair defective DNA, therefore holding the cure for early mortality.
Since the end of the 90s it has been known that a small part of the DNA on both sides of the DNA strand (so called telomeres) is lost in the regular process of cell replacement, which results in lesser efficacy. This “self-mutilation in installments” is also the main cause for aging. White gold reproduces the entire DNA and dissolves the degenerative process.
Our original plan is stored in our soul. The aging process is decelerated and in fact even reversed, starting with the first use of Monoatomic White Gold Powder. Therefore, life expectancy can be considerably extended. All this is about the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, which may counterbalance the madness of our time. What we think will manifest in our lives and this process is accelerated through white gold.
By ingesting Monoatomic White Gold Powder, the performance of the nervous system is significantly increased. That would put you in a position to process incredible amounts of information, like a supercomputer. That way, a lot more options can be used. Brain cells are adjusted in a way that they can communicate considerably better with each other. Monoatomic gold holds an unbelievable power because it aligns the cell in a way that they can absorb enormous amounts of light energy, which helps to dissolve blockades and imbalances.
Ingestion: 0.5 to 1.0 grams are dissolved in approximately 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drunk over the course of a day.